The 700 Club is the flagship news talk show of the Christian Broadcasting Network, airing in syndication throughout the United States and Canada. In production since 1966, it is currently hosted by Pat Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, Kristi Watts, and Gordon P. Robertson, two of whom (one male and one female) will host on any given day. Lee Webb serves as the CBN News anchorman.
Previous co-hosts include Ben Kinchlow (1975–88, 1992–96), Sheila Walsh (1988–92), Danuta Rylko Soderman (1983–87), and Lisa Ryan. Tim Robertson served as host for a year from 1987-88 along with Kinchlow and actress Susan Howard while his father ran unsuccessfully for President of the United States in the 1988 campaign. The original host was Jim Bakker and his co-host was Henry Harrison.
The show presents news stories from Robertson’s religious and political perspective, often relating stories to passages from the Bible along with commentary from the hosts. Celebrities and other guests are interviewed about religious views. The news segments frequently emphasize an apocalyptic eschatology.
Religious lifestyle issues are presented from distinct Pentecostal/charismatic ideological viewpoints.
Catch The 700 Club from Monday to Friday on Family TV from 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM and 11:00 PM to 11:30 PM.